We have built 12 libraries across rural and urban areas of Pakistan.
mobile library buses, 2019
In association with the Pakistani Air Force Women’s Association, HER created four library buses that will travel to different Air Force bases throughout Pakistan each year. While PAFWA constructed the inside of the buses, HER provided the books, which are of various reading levels and genres.

Islamabad, 2018
In collaboration with leadership in the Pakistani Air Force Women’s Association, HER opened a library in a government school that serves several hundred students of all ages. HER donated new furniture as well as gently used books in English and Urdu to this library.
Swat, December 2017
With the help of our donors, volunteers, and team members in both the United States and Pakistan, this library is fully equipped with bookshelves, desks, and chairs as well as over 1,000 books for all reading ages in both English and Urdu. We are grateful to the staff of the Sarosh Academy for welcoming us to their school.

Swabi, March 2017

We built a library from scratch for the Khyber Muslim School for girls in Swabi. This effort was only possible with the support of the school’s principal, Sir Satar Khan.
Lahore, march 2017
This school is co-ed until middle school, when only girls are admitted. We built the library from scratch in association with the Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Pakistan.

Sargodha, March 2017
We opened three libraries for different co-ed schools on the Sargodha Pakistan Air Force Base. These three schools had independently begun constructing the libraries, but did not have enough resources to finish them. We stepped in to complete the libraries by donating thousands of books and ensuring that the teachers maintained them. One of the libraries serves students of all ages, while the others serve kindergarten-aged students. The Pakistani Air Force Women’s Association (PAFWA) was instrumental in this process.
hair, march 2016
We built our first library in a village called Hair in Pakistan in March of 2016.